Unfold your singing voice.

Connected tissue stretching. Connect the muscles that support your voice. Connect to your voice.


What is Connected Singing?


What is Connected Singing?

At Connected Singing we work on the fascia in the body in order to provide a platform for the voice to unfold. Through stretching, movement and sound we dissolve old bodypatterns that no longer support us. From there we build up and strengthen the muscles that support the voice in order to perform and sing with airflow from the inside and out.

A fascia ( "band") is connective tissue fibers, primarily collagen, that form sheets or bands beneath the skin to attach, stabilize, enclose, and separate muscles and other internal organs.

Hvad er Connected Singing?

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Connected Singing -hvad er det?

handler om at få kroppen til at hænge sammen, så du kan synge med kropsstøtte og et naturligt “airflow”.

Fascia er det samme som bindevæv. Bindevævet forbinder alle muskler i kroppen og er med til at danne dit kropsskema - eller kropsholdning.

Gennem en række øvelser, bevægelser og lyd kan du opløse spændinger i kroppen, der ikke længere hjælper dig. og som forhindrer dig i at synge med din egen lyd og med naturlige og frie bevægelser. Så du kan udtrykke dig frit og synge det, du hører.




Workshops i København for sangere, sanglærere og andre, der elsker at synge.

Workshops in Europe for singers, voice teachers and people who love to sing


It´s as if the distance between me and my voice is shorter!”